Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Review: Caravan Fran by Cheryl Orsini

Author: Cheryl Orsini
Amazon – TBD
Release date: 28th April 2015
Pages: 24


Three friends are setting off on a beach holiday - but when things go wrong, some quick thinking helps save the day.

Three friends in Spring - Dave, Sam and Joe - with faithful caravan Fran in tow, were heading north for a holiday, off to the seashore, far away.
Three friends have an unexpected adventure while on their way to the beach in Caravan Fran. When Fran hits a bump in the road, the friends' dog, Ray, tumbles out and falls in the creek. Sam jumps in to rescue Ray ... then Joe jumps in to rescue Ray AND Sam. Eventually they all make it safely to the seaside - just in time for dinner!
A gorgeously illustrated celebration of holidays and friendship told in rhyming text.
Review: 4 out of 5 stars

This picture book, written by Cheryl Orsini, is a lovely read that will draw your little one into the story with the beautiful illustrations and a sweet story-line with a lovely friendship theme.

Our characters, led by Fran are embarking on a seaside holiday but things don’t always go smoothly and the friends have to work together to make it to the seashore in time for their dinner, it was a delightful adventure and great to see the little friends working together.

Attractive illustrations are also by Cheryl Orsini, they are throughout the book and effortlessly picture the scenery and characters in a way that is a story in itself, the details are wonderful. The text was easy to read and was written in rhyme, always a favourite of ours.

Thank you kindly to Hachette Books Australia for the opportunity for Miss 7 to read Caravan Fran.

Biographical Notes 

Cheryl Orsini has illustrated more than fifteen children's books, including THE ABC BOOK OF CARS, TRAINS, BOATS AND PLANES (ABC Books), POM POM (Viking/Penguin), LET'S DO IT (Lothian Books/Hachette Australia) and COME ON, LET'S PLAY (Lothian Books/Hachette Australia). Her work also regularly appears in magazines and exhibitions. For more visit


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