Wednesday 13 August 2014

Book reviews by author Eric B. Thomasma

We were recently provided with a delightful set of books from author, Eric B. Thomasma; we read these nightly as a part of our bedtime routine over the course of the week and found them all really wonderful.

Sam And The DragonSam and the Dragon 

Author: Eric B. Thomasma
Illustrated by Lanin D. Thomasma
Pages: 26
Release date: May 2010

Synopsis. (Goodreads)

Sam told his mother, “It really doesn't get cold. That’s just a myth, like dragons and unicorns.” But he soon learns the truth about winter... and dragons. Sam and the Dragon - You’ll never see your furnace the same way again

Review: 4 out of 5 stars

Sam & the Dragon is a wonderful story about a young boy named Sam who believes Dragons are a myth until he meets one named Freness.

This book is for the younger child, it is imaginative with simplistic illustrations and a heartfelt underlying message about acceptance and friendship. We all really enjoyed this book, DS was especially keen because of his fascination with dragons.

Billy's FamilyBilly's Family 

Author: Eric B. Thomasma
Illustrated by Lanin D. Thomasma
Pages: 26
Release date: May 2011

Synopsis. (Goodreads)

An only child, Billy wishes for a bigger family. But spending a day at his great-grandfather's family reunion shows him that 'family' includes far more than just Mommy and Daddy. Billy's Family is an introduction to some of the terms and concepts of family relationships. Billy’s Family – It’s bigger than he thinks.

Review: 3 ½ out of 5 stars

Billy's Family  is a book about a young boy named Billy who is an only child and longs for a bigger family, it isn’t until he spends some time with his grandfather that he learns that it’s not just immediate but extended as well that are a part of his family.

My children often ask about friends and family and who is who and how they are related so it was nice to be able to show them this book, it was educational for them but the beginning explanations were a little confusing. Miss 7 read it aloud to us and enjoyed doing so. The wording was easy to read and the illustrations were delightful, this was a quick read.

The Wizards of the Body ShopThe Wizards of the Body Shop 

Author: Eric B. Thomasma
Illustrated by Lanin D. Thomasma
Pages: 26
Release date: March 2012

Synopsis. (Goodreads)

Repairing a crumpled fender is pure magic. So when Cindy’s Daddy’s car gets damaged, she goes along as Daddy takes it to The Wizards of the Body Shop.

Review: 4 out of 5 stars

Cindy’s dad’s car has been in a bit of a bingle so it’s off to the body shop to get repaired.

The Wizards of the Body Shop was fun and imaginative, the kids were excited about the wizard and who would be fixing the car so the mystery kept them flipping through the pages.

Mr. Thomasma’s detailed writing flows well and the simple illustrations keep things entertaining and the kids curious.

Yeti in the FreezerYeti In The Freezer 

Author: Eric B. Thomasma
Illustrated by Lanin D. Thomasma
Pages: 26
Release date: November 2013

Synopsis. (Goodreads)

Do you have a freezer that growls when ice is being made? Brady and Dot do, and it’s a little scary. But they’re no longer afraid, now that they’ve made friends with the Yeti In The Freezer.
Review: 4 out of 5 stars

Yeti In The Freezer is a book about Brady and Dot’s new freezer that makes an unusual growling sound when ice is produced, they come to find they have a yeti named Frasier living in there.

This was an enjoyable little book with fun images and details that get the kid's minds thinking. It also showed how to work as a team and of acceptance, both important messages.

Master 9 and Miss 7 enjoyed this book immensely.

Eric B. ThomasmaAbout the author:

Born and raised in West Mitten, USA (Grand Rapids, MI), He still lives in the area in a house he built, (literally), with the help of his wife, Therese, and two sons, Eric Jr. and Nicholas, (and various other friends and relatives). The boys are grown and gone now, although they both live in the area. Eric and Therese have managed to get past the empty nest syndrome and currently only share their home with their dog, Tucker. 

For more information, visit Eric's website at


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